Let's take a deep dive into my what's the one plus one plus one equals five program. We're going to bolt on additional revenue streams into your business. Let's take a look at how we do this.
When I say we're going to bolt something onto to your business, what we're going to do is you want to take something you either have right now and add it on a different way or go out and find something new and put it into your business.
Why do I call this the one plus one plus one equals five program?
Simple because the sum of the parts exceeds the individual elements.
It's a perfect bolt on additional revenue stream for anybody who's got any type of business where you're selling product or products. And it's a great way if you don't sell products, if you want to dive into them.
So we're going to take a closer look at that right now and how you're going to go about doing this over the next couple of minutes.
I'm going to lay out the blueprint so this can become a real actionable element in your business.
Let me explain the concept to you now. And we're going to dive into some actual Web pages and take a look at how this can be done and how you can implement it into your business.
First of all, one plus one plus one equals five. And this element relates to Amazon. Now, listen, before you get crazy and say, hey, Amazon's where I go to lose money, everybody's giving every product away. I get it. Listen to me.
There's a way to take Amazon and use it to your benefit. Amazon is the biggest marketplace in the world. If you're not selling and generating revenue there, but you sell products, you have to be missing out on something, don't you?
For a consumer, Amazon's wonderful because, listen, you can find 50 suppliers for a product just sitting at home in your living room doing some shopping. Now, on the flip side, for the business owner, this Uber-Marketplace where there's tons and tons of competition can drive that price and the margin of profit down at the next and nothing.
So if you're saying, hey, Trip, I don't mess around with Amazon, I can't make any money there. I understand that. But I'm going to change the way you look at it and say how you are going to make money there.
You make money on Amazon going with the flow, not swimming against the stream. What do I mean by that? Well, instead of being one of 50 people selling one product, you're going to be the only person selling a unique opportunity for that customer.
You're going to go with the flow on Amazon, because you’re going to take advantage of what Amazon’s structured to do, it’s designed to offer its shoppers the ultimate in convenience.
If you, as someone who’s selling something is on Amazon and you become first in convenience, you're going to have sales. Let's dive into Amazon and look at some examples of this and we'll talk about how you can put this together and bolt this onto your business.
The first thing you need to do is join Amazon’s Seller’s Program. And we're going to do is if you're going to sell on Amazon, you have to join their program. You will need to go to this web page and join - https://sell.amazon.com/sell.html
Once you’re approved you will be able to sell products in Amazon’s marketplace. Now, let’s look at how you’re going to use the world’s biggest marketplace to YOUR advantage!
First, you are not going to sell a product, or products, NOPE, you’re going to take the products you sell, or have access to and use them to solve people’s problems!
Let me show you how that's done. Let's jump in here and look at college student and gifts. Perfect. Here's an example. This neck chest right here. How is this solving a solution that I'm sharing? The one plus one plus one equals five.
I'm going to share screenshots of actual products on Amazon - I am including links, be sure to look at the actual listings too!
College Care Package - https://amzn.to/3lWi7Vy
The concept is there's not a snack... NOPE there's 40 snacks here in this product.
If you added up all the different snacks and bought them separately I would anticipate the ability to get these products for less than the $23.95 price. But, they're not really selling snacks, NOPE, they're selling a solution. The problem: a parent or loving family member wants to send a package of love to a college student.
With that problem, the solution is not easily shopped. If you visit an Amazon page selling one snack, there's an enormous amount of price pressure. But, this box full, that ensures that college student gets an impressive package that will hopefully emit the love of the sender, there's not price pressure on this type of item.
Let's look at another example - Cutting Board - https://amzn.to/2K8QJqg
There's lots of cutting boards on Amazon, and this specific board, or one very much like it seems readily available. But, this seller have created a party pack! Including the forks, the bottle opener, the glasses and the the book!
They're not selling a cutting board, they're selling the the entire party pack!
So, how do you incorporate this into your business?
Let's use a very generic product that doesn't elicit any emotions, Paint Brushes
Paint Brushes - https://amzn.to/371l96T
If you own a hardware store you sell paint brushes. And, on Amazon there's a crazy number of people selling paint brushes! Don't believe me, on page 1 of an Amazon search for paint brushes has 32 listings, and there's 330 pages of paint brushes!
Yea, if you're buying paint brushes wholesale this is an impossible place to make money!
But, you're not selling paint brushes, you're selling a solution!
Before I share the solution, I'll show you how Amazon helps you create a listing that solves a solution. You've probably looked at a product on Amazon and as you scrolled down you found a 'Frequently Bought Together' listing. When you scroll down the listing for the $6.45 you will see this:

This is a great idea generator. Now, you the Hardware Store owner, you need to take this and ROLL!
You're going to solve the 'I have to Paint the Room' problem.
So, you're going to take the brushes, tape, rollers, buckets, trays, drop clothes, etc. and put them all into a package of solution. Everything you need to paint a room in your house! Now, the more value you can lump into the solution the more you can charge, and the more unique your listing will be, making it irresistible!
Let's say you sell a brand of paint in your hardware store, most stores seem to feature a specific brand. And, those brands probably offer tons of POP sales materials. Brochures, pamphlets, etc. Well, if they have a brochure, How to Paint a Room, it's a perfect add-on product.
But, here's were if you're willing to put in the effort, you can go nuts! Create a video, create your own DIY ebook or other add-on.
Now, you're not fighting with thousands selling $6.00 paint brushes. No, you're selling something for $40, $50, or more, depending on your creativity and expertise.
So, this is how you take some items and multiply your earnings on the biggest retail platform the world's ever seen! That's why I call this the 1+1+1=5 method!
I hope this helps you look at Amazon differently, and helps you look at your business in a different light. That's why I've made this website, my YouTube Channel, and my different social media accounts. So be sure to follow me, I'm doing all of this to help you succeed!