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Direct Mail - The List

I’m going to share with you how to make sure you use a list that’s full of people who are ready to buy your products or services!

By the end of this article you’ll know how to source a list and how to determine if that list is the right list for your business.

If your business is struggling, losing market share, or just not generating the income you want, finding a list of people who want to buy your products or services is the single best thing you can do for you business, and number 2 is not even close!

Hi, I’m Trip and along my life’s journey I’ve had the chance to help create advertising campaigns for some of the world’s biggest brands, and learn from some of the innovators in my industry.

I’ve also worked closely with many small business owners helping them flourish. And, I liked the idea of owning a small business so much, 16-years ago I opened my own.

Now, I’m taking EVERYTHING I’ve learned on that journey and giving it away on my Youtube Channel and here on my website

A direct mail campaign’s success is dependent on getting all 3 parts right

You only want to mail to people who will actively buy your product or service… now!

You expertise, your knowledge of your business is what you will use to identify these people. A business owner must know their ideal customer, and then, be able to grab every ideal customer in their market.

You will define the ideal customer, now let me show you were to find them.

There’s two sources, your customer list, and a cold list

People who have not been a customer. I will do a separate video on using your customer list, now, let’s focus on buying a cold list of hot prospects!

You will source this list from a list broker. There are companies that provide both B2B and B2C lists. For a B2C list I recommend Data Axel USA.

In my video, which is at the top of this article, I jump on their website and I show you how to create that cold list of hot prospects, who want to give you their money!

Also, in the comment section, let me know if you’re ready to mail, or if there’s something that’s stopping you from making the best marketing investment possible for you business? Let me know now in the comment section

Remember, I started my website, and this youtube channel to help small business owners - so if you haven’t already subscribe, and ask me a question below, I will give a shout out to the best questions in my next video

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