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Dynamic Delivery Marketing

Power Up Your Advertising & Generate More Revenue

Are you still advertising your business using old, static methods?

You might not be sure, so let me share with you static advertising methods. You create an advertisement or marketing piece, and this can be any advertisement including:

  • Newspaper ad

  • Digital Ad - Google, Instagram, YouTube, Linked In, etc.

  • Billboard

  • Restaurant placemat

  • Groupon or other coupons

  • Television and Radio

  • Direct Mail

  • ValPak

Now, you place this advertisement and… you hope!

And, you hope about a lot of things; including, will:

  • It work

  • People see it

  • People be moved to take action, i.e., buy, visit you, etc.

  • It addresses all of the person's concerns, needs, questions to instigate action.

Yea, that's a lot of hope, and that's the problem with static advertising. You place the ad, hopefully, connect with a potential customer, and then your ability to influence and enhance the relationship is over unless that person acts.

Listen, this is how people have advertised for centuries, so I am not saying it doesn't work, but I am saying Dynamic Delivery Marketing is BETTER!

The difference is in the name, Dynamic Delivery. Dynamic is defined as (of a process or system) characterized by constant change, activity, or progress.

Using a Dynamic Delivery Marketing campaign for your business, your ad begins a marketing campaign with activity. It helps the appropriate people progress from interested to consumers.

Your advertisement opens a door for people, and from there, they receive more. More information on products, services, and information on you and your business.

Using Dynamic Delivery Marketing, you're offering people more, you're establishing the benefits of your business, and you're able to begin the sales process in a manner much more significant than a static advertising campaign.

So, you're probably asking, "what's a Dynamic Delivery Marketing Campaign?"

Simply put, you're answering a question while starting a conversation. Isn't that what you do when someone inquires about your business?

Here's the Dynamic Delivery Marketing process:

Now, let's break down the steps. It's not that hard!

Lead Page & Bridge Page

Your ad sends people to a landing page. This is a specific page designed to provide the potential customer with valuable content, not on your website. This is done using a lead magnet. Now, when you put a Dynamic Delivery Campaign together, it starts with a keyword that's 'answered' by your lead magnet.

For example, if someone searches' divorce lawyer near me,' your ad leads to a landing page where they can obtain an eBook titled "3 Steps to take to Reduce the Cost of a Divorce."

Now, anyone searching for a divorce lawyer near them is contemplating hiring an attorney. And, they probably have some concerns about things like; the:

  • cost of divorce

  • mistakes they could make

  • unforeseen problems

Now, I want to give you some examples, and for these, I want you to imagine you're advertising on Google Search for keywords relative to your business. This doesn't mean you can't use this on a newspaper ad (a QR Code helps) or any other medium.

So, in this example, the lead magnet addresses the cost. But, the other concerns above could be used too. And a divorce attorney would know what the most significant problems their clients have and create a powerful lead magnet that does three things:

answers the original question they searched, a divorce attorney near them (you would only advertise this within your market).

Answers the concern you've identified, the three steps to reduce the cost.

provides them with information that establishes you as the go-to divorce attorney

I bet you can see how powerful this can be. In the example above, you could swap another legal service. You could do the same thing for doctors of all sorts, including dentists, plastic surgeons, chiropractors. For each of these, there could be ways to reduce cost, improve health, reduce pain, etc.

This works spectacularly well for insurance products, loans, all types of contractor products, pools, decks, remodeling, sheds, and all kinds of installations.

This works equally well for retail businesses.

You focus on a product or category and answer a concern. Let's use another example, a patio furniture store. Some searches' patio furniture stores near me,' and a list of options come up, and they all tell the person searching a combination of what I call, really, no kidding content.

An ad for Patios R Us (I'm not sure if that's a real name, I am making it up) and in the ad it tells them that they sell patio furniture… no kidding!

Another ad states, great low pricing… no kidding! You're not the over-priced store?

But, there's a Dynamic Delivery Marketing ad that states, I've been selling patio furniture for over 20 years, and these are the three furniture lines that outlast all the others.

When you click on that ad, you can download information on the three longest-lasting furniture lines, and you'll discover why you will want to buy any of them from this person's store.

This same concept of addressing their search for a product or service with valuable information someone wants or needs while making a purchasing decision is the purpose of the landing page.

Then, in addition to delivering the lead magnet, you will have an email series. You can have emails that expound or isolates the content. The divorce lawyer might have three separate emails for each of the three cost reduction elements. And she might know of five other concerns most people have, and there would be a separate email for each of those concerns for an email sequence of eight emails after you deliver the lead magnet in the first email.

These emails would provide valuable insight and information, like what might happen if someone called or scheduled a consultation. Every email extends the invitation to connect and begin the process.

The patio furniture store would share pertinent information about the various furniture lines. But, there could also be an email on the topic of extending the life of your furniture. The subject line could be, do this when you bring your patio furniture home and extend its life by years. Another email could be the five best new patio furniture (insert the year). Again, in addition to providing the information promised in the email, you will also share information on why you are the go-to source for patio furniture.

I think you can see how you differentiate yourself from your competition while giving real value to the potential customer.

So, the purpose of your landing page is to:

  • introduce them to your lead magnet

  • stress the benefits found in the lead magnet

  • capture and email and or more information from the prospective customer

How to Set Up Your Lead Magnet & Landing Page

Please, don't let the concern of not knowing how to set things up stop you from using Dynamic Delivery marketing because the learning curve is VERY small, and so is the cost!

Two pieces of content handle all of the design. All you need to do is add your information, and the combined cost to create your Dynamic Delivery Marketing System is a one-time payment of $27.00!

I'm sure you've realized this, but setting up a landing page and a lead magnet is not just easy to do, but it's also potent. This is a wholly automated 24/7 sales process that delivers the perfect response to the shopper's needs and puts them into a system that establishes your business as 'the source.'

Step #1 Landing Page and Auto Responder

Start by signing up for the land page creator, which includes the email delivery (autoresponder) emails automatically sent.

There are tons of landing page templates, so you choose the template you like, add your business information, and create the landing page in five minutes or less!

Sign Up for Free: Using THIS LINK, you can use this software and all of its capabilities for free.

Then, review my how-to content to make it fast and easy - CLICK HERE.

Step #2 - Lead Magnet Creator

Creating an attractive lead magnet used to be time-consuming. I've been making them for years and years, and I sometimes spent a week or more creating an engaging, informative document, and that was time well spent.

But, there's software available to import web pages, documents, and loads of other forms into the software and put all that information into an attractive template. Now you can have a gorgeous, information-packed lead magnet in minutes!

Sign up for a one-time $27.00 price and create as many lead magnets as you can imagine!

Then, head over here - CLICK HERE for tips, tricks, and help using this software for your lead magnet and have all the content you need quickly and easily!

Bridge Page - the Power and Purpose

Once someone has provided their contact information to you, they will be sent to a bridge page where you provide additional information about the document and your business. You explain that you will be sharing additional information regarding their topic of interest. If the bridge page is on your website, allow them to download the lead magnet and provide links for them to search your site.

You can also host the bridge page on the free software above, and you would provide a link to your website where they can access the lead magnet.

Your Business Website - Information and Validation

The content on your website needs to match what we've talked about earlier. Not because you're using this system, but because that's the content that will generate business!

People need to see the products or services you offer, don't assume they know. Tell them. And provide valuable insight and information that clearly shows your knowledge and expertise. Additionally, be sure to explain your business's benefits. A website like this helps the sales process, yet too many business owners fail to provide this content.

Sales Generation for Dynamic Delivery Marketing

You've used this system to educate, inform, and differentiate your business from your competition and the natural by-product is sales, and overall an increase in sales.

Be prepared for the additional business, and be sure to offer the best level of customer care because nothing ruins a marketing campaign faster than bad reviews!

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